The family is looking upon you. Are you there for them?
Did you understand your roles before you set
up to start having a family?
can we learn from the Bible on this awesome subject that has been neglected by
our society?
A family in this discussion is
one that includes the basic unit of father, mother, child or children. Families
may be different from this with extended families, one-parent families, and
various arrangements that are morally acceptable. Some families are without a dad
or mum due to death or divorce. Some families do not include children.
Even with a father
there may be exceptional families because the father is ill, or unable to
discharge his duties for other reasons. But we generally consider the father as
the man of the house, with the role of husband and parent of the children.
Other members of the family may well share his work in some respects, but there
are certain responsibilities that are his that cannot be shifted to someone
else. This is that upon which we shall focus our attention.
1. Responsibility to God
The father must accept his personal duty to God.
Romans 14:12; “So tend to your knitting. You've got your
hands full just taking care of your own life before God”.(MSG) . This will
determine his duties to others and how he is to meet other obligations. He
cannot fulfill his duty if he leaves God out because God is the originator and
designer of the home, having brought it into existence with purpose. Duty to
God means he has a duty to family because God requires that of him.
1Timothy 5:8; “Anyone who neglects to care for family
members in need repudiates the faith. That's worse than refusing to believe in
the first place”.(MSG) God’s Word teaches the father has a duty, what that
duty is, and how serious a matter it is. The Bible is the best handbook on
fatherhood that has been written.
2. Responsibility Begins Early
Being a father
is not a boy’s job. It takes a real man. The challenge we are having in our
society is that we have very many men who indulge in premarital sex and are not
prepared for the consequences. Too many males in our land are not real men when
it comes to facing responsibilities.
Don’t rush to be
a father but prepare well to be one. A man’s
responsibility to his family begins before he even has a family. How we need to teach
our young men this vital truth. He is to keep himself morally pure, develop his
character and learn to work. He needs to learn what true love is. In other
words, he must learn what his duties are before he undertakes the discharge of
He does this
best when he makes himself a man of faith, integrity, conviction, and honour
rather than simply seeking wealth, power, fame, and pleasure.
3. Duty Assumed With Marriage
The family
originally consists of two people. He is the head of the wife as Christ is the
head of the church. Ephesians 5:23; “The
husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not
by domineering but by cherishing.”(MSG). This is God’s order, so we ought
not to complain against it. Being the head means he must develop and
demonstrate love, sacrifice, loyalty, and faithfulness.
His role is that
of leadership which demands acceptance of responsibility. In other words, “the
buck stops here” with him. This is not a matter of superiority or inferiority.
Every efficient unit must have a leader and the wisdom of God is that the
husband is the leader. Much of the world rejects this order, but it is still
right because it pleases God, and it pleases those who love God.
4. Provision
The provision
the father is to provide includes food, shelter, clothing, education, medicine,
and protection. He must see that the home gives every occupant security, that
the home is a haven and a harbour of refuge. He does this by hard work. The
greatest provision a father can give his children is their mother’s time.
The father has
the prime duty to provide spiritual training. Proverbs 22:6; “Point your kids in the right direction--
when they're old they won't be lost”.(MSG). Possibly in this realm is most
disappointing of duty seen among fathers. But fathers are to provide guidance,
instruction, advice, counsel, and discipline, an example in habits, speech,
industry, self-control, attitudes, and treatment of others in and out of the
family. He is to exercise authority, set priorities, and determine values,
rules, and standards by which the family is to be regulated. The wife and
children are necessarily involved, but he is the one God expects to see that
the right things are provided.
5. Consequences of Failure
The study of
Eli, Samuel, Lot, and David in connection with Absalom are graphic
demonstrations of fathers who did not assume and discharge the proper role
toward their children. The pain, grief, sorrow, and even death that these
families suffered can be traced directly to parental failure to serve as proper
Let it be said
of us as was said of Abraham, Genesis 18:19; “Yes, I've settled on him as the one to train his children and future
family to observe GOD’s way of life, live kindly and generously and fairly, so
that GOD can complete in Abraham what he promised him”.(MSG)
“It takes a heap of living to make a home,” as
stated by Edgar A. Guest. It surely takes a heap of work and prayer to be the
right kind of father.
You cannot lead
where you will not go. You cannot teach what you do not know. You, father, are
the leader and teacher. Your goal is to do all you can so that every member of
your family, without the loss of one, will reach heaven. Help them to serve God
and man, and keep the torch of truth burning brightly after your time has
ended. The next generation needs children such as your family can produce. In
time, you will reap as you have sown. There will be good fruits when you have
done your job. You can say, “My cup runneth over.”
It is like this:
the husband is the master of the house under Christ, the one who manages,
oversees, has that special relationship that calls for meeting special
obligations. He is the father, founder, producer, the one in charge, with
responsibility as the nourisher, upholder, and protector of his family. His
first need in doing this is to be a faithful Christian himself.
Finally, he must have full commitment to his family and the
family should likewise reciprocate and give him all the support he wants. I
believe we can change the current situation that is affecting our society if
the fathers played their rightful roes.
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