It is very unfortunate to see the trend of happenings in our society. Ownership of actions by people is a rare virtue nowadays. Women have suffered at the hands of men who refused to take up the responsibilities of their actions. Some men have left their families to go after young women. Children and women are the major people that are hurting.
Responsibility is…
· Doing what I know I ought to do.
· Doing willingly and to the best of my ability what I ought to do
· Accepting the responsibility for your choices and actions
· Being “countable” i.e. you can be “counted on” to fulfill your word.
· Being dependable and accurate for your words and actions.
· Being in charge of our choices
· Responding positively to expectations.
Responsible men are motivated by two things:
A. A desire to be trusted.
They are willing to prove themselves as trustworthy. If you desire to be trusted, you will be responsible. You will ensure that you are “countable”; that others can count on you.
B. The feeling of achievement.
This comes when you know that you have done the right thing and completely fulfilled your responsibility. This is very important to married men.
Responsible men:
1. Make a commitment to be a person who is responsible.
This commitment will show when you fail. Will you take responsibility for your failure or offer excuses?
2. Do whatever it takes!
Do whatever it takes to do what you are responsible for.
3. Have a system for getting things done.
Be responsible and develop a system that will enable you to get everything done that you need to do.
4. Delegate but don’t avoid responsibility.
If you delegate, follow! Be responsible. If you are able to delegate you must be able to follow up as well. Follow the other person before you are followed! You are responsible.
Responsibility is demanded in the following areas:
1. In being true to our word
In Psalms 15:4-5 “4. In whose eyes a vile person is despised, but he honors those who fear the Lord; he who swears to his own hurt and does not change; 5. He who does not put out his money at usury, nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.”
God expects us to be personally responsible in our financial dealings. This will mean being true to our word even if it hurts us financially.
2. In being diligent
We are called to be diligent. To be diligent means to do the things that need to be done rather than putting it off for another day. It means doing what needs to be done rather than figuring out how to avoid doing it. Being diligent is a learned way of life. It is usually taught to us by our parents by our watching their example and hearing their words. We can choose to do the right things regardless of what our parents did.
3. In displaying character
Character means we have integrity in our choices. Displaying character means being honest, not taking advantage of others, having patience, and showing mercy at the appropriate times.
4. In accepting consequences
We live in a society at a time when no one wants to accept the consequences of his or her actions. As soon as someone feels the sting of consequences, he or she immediately looks for someone else to blame. People continue to go round and round, making the same mistakes over and over because they refuse to accept the consequences for their own actions. They want to blame someone else.
When we refuse to accept the consequences of our own actions, we hurt only ourselves. Personal responsibility starts with accepting we have failed. Others influence us, but we make the choice and we are responsible.
Countless people continue to be unsuccessful in life because they have never learned to accept responsibility for their actions. They go through life blaming others for all their problems and can never seem to move forward.
One of the keys to having a successful life is being willing to take responsibility for every aspect of our lives. In today’s world, more and more people are believing the lie that someone else is responsible for them. God’s word teaches that He holds us accountable for the choices we make. Others influence us, but we are responsible for our actions.
Men who don't take responsibility for their work or actions are likely to have a negative impact on their families and society. They will look for apathy, finger pointing, missed deadlines, and avoid accountability.
We must be willing to do all that we ought to do and do our rightful responsibilities in our lives. If our families are hurting, we will also hurt. Excuses usually give us a clue that irresponsibility is at work.
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