Monday, 6 August 2018

Facing up the Problems in your Life

We all face problems in life in one way or the other. Problems will always come. They may come in various ways such as lack, sickness, disagreements, loss of trust, marital conflict, job loss, etc. How you are able to handle these problems makes the difference between people.

Problems arise in our day to day lives that demand attention and simply will not go away until they are solved. Most of the time the problems we find in our day to day lives require little thought to fix.

We must then be able to know how to handle problems in life, failure to which, they may become unbearable in our lives and may lead to worse scenarios that may affect our entire lives completely. It is advisable to learn Problem Solving Skill. This skill is about learning how to move forward in difficult problem areas. How do you know what will work? What are the consequences involved in your thinking? Will they relate to each other and how so? It refers to the ability to be able to solve problems and work through them by understanding the connections between the parts that make the problem what it is.

Identify what the problem is.

Nobody will ever know what your problem is. They may only assume what it may be. You have to take the lead in identifying the problem, realize the effects of the problem in your life, and find ways of solving these problems or ways of minimizing their effects on your life.

The need to deal with the problems

Everybody thinks differently. Thinking differently about a problem will also reveal different ways all of us deal with the same problem. No one has a monopoly of ideas. There are several ways of solving the problems.

1. Change your mind

When you solve problems by changing your mind, you will find many ways of solving the problem. Decide to handle the matter differently and most times you will get different results. For example if you have people you assume they are your friends and they disappoint you every time, you can decide to do away with them. The results will be different.

2. Resolve it

This is the most common approach where you reach a given conclusion with known information. Generally when we speak of working things out, we are talking of accommodation and comprise. If there are differences between you and people, you need to find ways and means of compromising. In this scenario, there is no winner or loser. Both or all agree to resolve the matter at hand. It is the only way out of the conflict. This is a good way in handling marital conflicts.

3. Dissolve it

You can opt to change the conditions and make the situation different so the problem can’t occur. This lightens up the problem. The magnitude is minimized and the effects are reduced. Always find ways and means of reducing the magnitude of the problem. Find how you can even influence how the problem may never come back. One major problem is borrowing from friends and being unable to pay back. You can make up your mind and avoid this kind of borrowing. It had a negative effect on me until July 2007 when I made my mind and changed that condition. The onus is on you.

4. Solve another problem

Problems are always interrelated. Solving one problem may be a way of solving many others. What resulted in not borrowing from my friends, brought lots of healing in my relationships with others. My family is at peace. That matter had eaten up our relationship at home. It was not only heavy on me but my family too.

5. Absolve it

You can opt to do nothing about it. Most times when you sit and do no nothing about it, the effects may not be seen now but in the future. I have an issue that I almost did nothing about it since 1984 and the effects of the same have affected me in my latter years. Absolving means you do nothing about the problem. You sit and wait see what happens.

6. Shift the boundary

This requires a mind shift and a different way of doing things. It has to do with how you identify your problems too. Change the boundary you have set around the problem and new perspectives will open up that show you faults in your thinking. If you continue doing the same things the same way, there will be no difference. You have to shift the boundary.

In Conclusion

Problems can be an opportunity to learn and grow together. Be positive and productive in your approach to life’s challenges. Find ways and means of solving your problems before matters run out of control. Nobody else will do it for you. You must face them head on. You don't have to let problems run your life. You can take control.

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