Tuesday, 23 July 2013


Ephesians 5:22-23
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body”.(NKJV)

Genesis 2:19
“Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name”.(NKJV)

The husband is the head of the family.
In the head you have the following organs:-
  1. Eyes. This means the husband must have a vision for the family. It is terrible to be the head when you are not visionary at all. Where are you leading your family to?
  2. Nose. This means that the husband must have the sense of smell. This enables him to detect things when they go wrong. In smelling you will know the bad habits that are in the family. Don’t be away from the family as you will not be able to detect anything.
  3. Ears. The husband must open his ears to hear from God. He must be a reader of God’s Word and be a prayerful person who seeks God at all times and leads his family in devotions. He is the spiritual head of the family accountable to God and the family.
  4. Tongue. This means he must use his sense of taste. The husband must set up standards for the family which he should lead by example. He becomes a mentor to his children as they would desire to imitate him. When standards are set, they are for every member of the family.
  5. Brains. The husband must use his sense of touch. He must set order. The brain is where all are feelings are detected. When there is order in the family, then everything goes on well. When the head of the family does not set order, everything falls apart.

As the head of the family, you have enormous responsibility. God is counting on you and the family is looking to you. Put your efforts in delivering to your family.

  1. What you saw is what is making you enjoy/suffer/endure in your family.
  2. What you did in the past mattered. But what you do now, matters today and the future. Watch what you are doing, as it affects your tomorrow.
  3. Don’t run away from your responsibility, as you ASKED FOR IT. 

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