Thursday, 19 December 2013


What a high calling and great responsibilities that fathers have and apparently many of us have failed in this. We must know that God had something in mind when He made the first father. He assigned him a specific role in life and all of a father’s activities are measured against that standard. The Bible gives us the guide and we must follow these Biblical standards.

A little boy needs a father. He needs a father:

…to teach him how to be a man

…to take him by the hand and lead him through the maze of life

…to teach him to be strong, to be gentle, to be loving and to be a defender of his rights.

A little girl needs a father too. She needs a father

…to protect her

…to counsel her on life’s problems

…to teach her how to be a woman..

The home needs a father:

….to serve as provider, protector, spiritual leader and counselor.

While the world seldom hears what a father says to his children, the effects of his counsel will be felt by the next generation…the next… and the next.

To fathers the Bible says:

Ephesians 5:25

“Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church--a love marked by giving, not getting”. (MSG)

Ephesians 6:4

“Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master”. (MSG)


1. PROPHET (TO GUIDE) : Listens to the Lord and ministers to his family what God is saying to his family.

2. PRIEST (TO GUARD) : As the Priest listened to the congregation and took their request to the Lord, the Father is to spend time with his family to know their needs and then to take those needs before the Lord.

3. KING (TO GOVERN) : Not to be as an earthly king who lords it over his people, but to be a heavenly king who is a servant to his family.


My cry to our society is: “Put the father back aa the head of the family!”

In my 36 years of marriage, I have played the role of a husband and father. I have never run away from my responsibilities and roles. I share this with great pains as I see many children in our society suffering because the father was not there for them. When I look at my children and the much time I spend with them and invested great values in their lives, I can only want to do the same to many other young people in our society and give all glory to God for enabling me to do that. Our women should allow the husbands to do their part to.

When a business fails, the head of the company is held responsible, not the man on the assembly line. As the head of the home we husbands and fathers are responsible for its condition, whether good, bad, or indifferent. Husband, you were made to rule your home – how is the project doing? All around us are broken homes, disillusioned divorces, and lonely children. In many cases, the cause is men who refused to rule their homes.”


There are many lessons we can learn from the Book of Proverbs 31 which if we applied can make us better leaders of our homes.

Paraphrased Proverbs 31

“Who can find a faithful husband, for his price is far above that of a Mercedes or even a Prado”.

“The heart of his wife doth safely trust in him whether he is on a business trip, or comes home late from the office.

“He tries to do the best for her and his family.

“He learns to use the tools of his trade and isn’t afraid of a hard day’s work.

“He is knowledgeable about world affairs and uses this for his family’s enrichment.

“He rises early in the morning for his devotions and asks for wisdom for his daily tasks.

“He considers investments carefully and buys a home, property, or business with an eye toward the future.

“He watches his health and gets the sort of exercise he needs in order to stay physically fit.

“His work is of a good quality even if he has to put in extra hours to make it that way.

“He doesn’t neglect his home.

“He is concerned about social issues and tries to help those who are in need.

“He isn’t afraid of difficult times because he has learned to trust God and has done what he could to provide for his family.

“He nourishes himself and his family both physically and spiritually.

“His wife is well-thought of in their community because he never belittles her.

“He has a hobby that is relaxing and worthwhile.

“He is strong and honorable and is a happy person, easy to live with.

“His conversation is wise and uplifting. In fact, he makes it a rule of his life to speak kindly.

“He is interested in all things that concern his family and is not lazy or indifferent.

“His children love him and admire, and his wife is proud of him and says, ‘Many men have succeeded in this world, but you are the best of them all. If I had it to do over again I would still marry you.’

“Flattery is deceitful, and good looks are only on the surface, but a man who loves and fears God shall be truly praised.

“This sort of man deserves to be treated like a king; for his life proves that what he believes is real.

If all the men practiced Proverbs 31, the wives and the children would uphold them highly. The Bible has all the teachings that we require to run our homes well. Nobody is going to do it for you. You have to do yourself. The basics are that you must desire to be Godly.

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