There are very many issues that are affecting men nowadays to the extent that many are giving up because they feel they cannot sustain the pressure they are facing. I want to encourage all those that are passing through such moments that they should never give up. What they are passing through is not permanent.
Most of us have lost a lot in life. As small children we never grew up to be what we would have desired to be. There was pressure from our parents and the society too. As teenagers, we got acne and lost a lot since there was so much around us and possibly we made wrong choices then. Some got involved in bad habits and never recovered from them. They say choices have consequences and indeed I have witnessed over my life some young people who have really suffered as a result of their choices. As adults, we may lose our jobs or our homes or even our families. There are again many more challenges to adult men as situations can move from worse to worst. The woman you marry can make your life good or can make you have hell on earth. The children that you get can make you a proud father or they could be a disgrace to you. And as we get older, we lose our good looks and eventually our health. Surely it can be difficult and indeed one can easily give up.
But that's just the beginning; under such an onslaught, we can begin to lose our hope. We can begin to see ourselves as losers. We may lose our way in life and lose our connection to God.
And if we ever have designs on getting it back, the enemy of our souls will contend with us for it. If, for example, you've lost relationships with family members, it will cost you to get them back. Your fight won't be with your fists - you'll have to pray. You'll have to humble yourself. You'll have to pay a price.
Jesus tells us that the kingdom of God is costly. We have to be prepared to fight. Traditionally, men especially have had the role of protecting the family. But the problem in our modern society is that men have really lost it to the women. They are really frustrated. The women are doing the fighting as men are left only as observers..
Never give up when the fragmenting effect of multiple pressures seems relentless.
But as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger . . . (2 Corinthians 6:4–5).
The NEVERS you should have:
1. Never give up, you started it and you have to finish it.
2. Never give up because if you do there is no progress!
3. Never give up because you will overcome all the issues that you are facing!
4. Never give up because the situation is not permanent!
5. Never give up because no one encourages you!
6. Never give up because others have also made it!
7. Never give up as you will be the loser!
8. Never give up because God loves you!
9. Never give up because when you make it, you will be proud of yourself!
10. Never give up because of oppositions and criticisms!
Be determined that you will finish what you stated not by your power, not by your might but by the Spirit of Living GOD! No matter what I am going through I am not given. Stop condemning yourself. Stop judging yourself.
Troubles may come and there may look as if there is no hope but you were created to be a victor and to have dominion. Why should you then give up? Never ! Never! Never.
Wise men stand up to be counted as overcomers and never give up.
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