Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Understanding Young Men Challenges in Our Society

Our youth in this country are going through tough times and we may not be aware about it unless we take interest in knowing what is happening to them. The most affected are the young men. As a result of peer and societal pressure, our young men are greatly influenced by all sides of evil that is affecting our society. Actually they are more likely to be negatively influenced than the adults are. Their decision-making is greatly influenced by their peers. Once they make their decisions and they face failure, they regret so much without having an alternative. They may have gone too far. We need to address their issues as a matter of urgency failure to which the damage caused may be beyond control. I believe we all can do something about it.

The Bible has some very important advice to the young men:

Ecclesiastes 11:9-10

‘Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment. So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless’. (NIV)

Ecclesiastes 12:1-2

“Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them"-- before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars grow dark, and the clouds return after the rain“; (NIV)

Has life changed or have values changed? These are pertinent questions for all of us to answer. The family as a place of imparting knowledge and skills has been facing serious challenges. The man as the head of the family has not been there and even when he is there, he is also facing major challenges that he has neglected his role in the family. Peer and societal pressure have weighed so much on the man that the young men, who were expected to learn from him, have had no chance at all. The rush to do things the way others are doing and not to be left behind, have taken over the lives of most young men.

Most of the problems facing today’s young men are not restricted to any one ethnic or religious group, but affect young men generally. Most discussions on young men have focused on issues such as lack of employment, loneliness, drug abuse, crime, violence, sexuality and poverty. There are major challenges that the young men are finding difficult to address but which are affecting them.

These include:

1. An Identity Crisis: Who am I? This is a major concern. Do you under the young men too?

2. The negative impact of the electronic media: Entertainment? This appears to be the real joy for the young people. This is taking all the young men’s efforts and time.

3. Competitiveness in education: the uneven playing field: Excellence by whom? Not Me. Academic performance has greatly affected the young men. If one does not perform well, he is seen as a failure and lost of them lose it at this point. I believe that all of us can perform academically well, but all of us have different abilities and potential to build capacities for our future. What are doing to assist these young men?

4. Lack of self confidence and low self esteem: I am worthless. When one develops low esteem, he becomes very unproductive and doesn’t exactly know what is happening in his life.  

5. A sense of hopelessness: Where am I going? Do the young men have any vision for their future or are they living hopeless lives?

6. Confusion and ambiguity concerning moral issues: What is right and wrong? Who is addressing moral issues in our society? What part are you playing to address this issue? It appears that it is left to the respective individuals to decide on their moral lives. We appear to have no ethics and values in this area.

The above are fundamental challenges that most young men are seeking an answer for. The problem is: ‘Who are they asking or where are they seeking as answer from?’ In most instances, they get advice from each other. The matter is so grave that the future is blink for our young men. We need to arise and play our rightful roles as adults and particularly adult men.

Your Role is Crucial

The parents have to assume an active role in the moral development of their children. They need to become fully involved at every stage in the child's mental growth until he/she attains maturity. This involvement includes learning to communicate with the younger generation through their books and reading materials. Also, there is need for constructive entertainment and personal involvement in the selection of the types of entertainment (whether at home or outside). This is very critical and almost inevitable since there is enormous pressure on the children from outside their home to participate in undesirable activities.

The man as the head of the family must take his rightful position and guide the youth. Let the man model the young men. If all of us did something at least, we would start influencing the young men in our society. We don’t need to sit and watch. All of us have a crucial ROLE to play.


Let us recognize that we have a serious challenge on our hands: to ensure that today’s young men would experience a better world than we are living in today. We should all work towards this objective and not wait for a crisis to occur and then react, let us be prepared.

We have to join hands and assist our young men. Don’t keep away from their issues. They are looking for mentors and models. Would you be there to assist them?

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