Monday, 28 December 2015

Doing an evaluation of the Year 2015

It’s been a long year full of the good, the bad, challenges, opportunities, disappointments, growth or decay, etc. We can do nothing about it because it is now history. What did we learn from our experiences this year? What new things are we going to do in 2016? Are we going to do things differently? Remember the pitfalls you had. Remember the good moments you passed through and also the bad moments. Were we in charge of what was happening or we allowed our peers or society to dictate to us our thoughts and deeds?
We were bombarded with messages, commercials, public service announcements, warnings, scare tactics, and pressure to change the way we live; change your diet, change your exercise, change your spending habits, undertake digital  TV migration, change channels,  change  type of phone, etc   Our politicians were up in high voices telling  us that things were not going well. The security within our country was so demanding. We threw so many complaints to our fellow citizenry.  We needed a better life. The words were: Change your lifestyle.
We got so discontented and frustrated with situations that we needed to give ourselves a new view of how to handle 2016 and the future to. We need to take charge of our lives no matter what and don’t allow the society or our peers to do it for us. A few questions to ask yourself about the Year 2015:
1  .      Did you take responsibility of what you did?
As it turns out, this is the mother of all personal transformation. If you want anything to change in your life, you need to stop with the excuses and make it happen. Most of us are stuck in the role of the victim, blaming everything and everyone but ourselves for what is and what is not happening for us. Our lives are the result of the persons that we have become. If we refuse to accept that and keep blaming our background, our parents, our teachers, our bosses, the economy and the society for everything that’s negative in our lives nothing is going to change.
Things won’t change unless you change how you do things.
2  .      Did you do your best in what you were doing?
Don’t fall into the trap of always going for least resistance just because you can. Always put in performances that you can be proud of. If you can do this in one area of your life, soon it will spill over to others. Consider yourself a person who always does your best and start acting like it.
3  .      How can you rate yourself on honesty?
This is one of the biggest challenges we are facing in our society today. Values and ethics and honesty have been thrown to the dogs. Don’t lie to yourself. Always be in tune with what’s going on inside you. Let happy things make you happy and sad things make you sad. Don’t suppress thoughts and feelings that are trying to tell you something. If you feel like something’s wrong, don’t ignore it. Even if it’s something you don’t know how to deal with.
4  .      What new experiences did you get?
We need to experiment new things and get new experiences. You cannot remain in the same level as you will start decaying. Life is not supposed to be a grind. There must be constant experimentation. The more things you try, the better. Instead of getting through the day, learn to take from the day.
5  .      What did you learn?
You must always be learning. What you learned is supposed to change your way of doing things. Be a serious student of life. Get curious about the world. Follow your excitement. If you find something you are interested in, shamelessly immerse yourself in it. It might just be your passion uncovering or something that will lead you to it.
Some changes are easy. Some are hard. Some seem to be impossible. The easiest changes also happen to be the least important changes. The hardest ones are the most important changes.
Things won’t change unless you change how you do things. Managing inputs and outputs of your life determines the quality of your life.

Would you say that you were in charge of your life in 2015? It’s time to take charge of your life! With God, all things are possible. 

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