Wednesday, 27 January 2016


Most times we are in the receiving end as men. We are blamed for the many wrong things taking place in our society. If there are any ills inflicting our society, the men are questioned. We blame ourselves too and think that we are ignored or not respected at all. Our position at home and society are threatened. What then do we do?  We must understand ourselves and take a positions right within the family, society, and the nation at large.

·         EVERY MAN MUST ACT.  Men measure themselves by what they do. You cannot sit and expect change unless you act. Don’t wait to act but start acting now.
·         EVERY MAN MUST BE SAFE.  Men by nature are independent. When we find ourselves feeling insecure, we cannot be productive. Seek for areas where you can express yourself and where you will be productive.
·         EVERY MAN MUST BE CHALLENGED.  Men tend to view everything around them as something to be overcome and conquered. Look at the challenges that men go through. Don’t run away from them but instead seek for ways to handle them. It is very disappointing to see men running away from their families in the times of need. Be there. Stand with the family. They need you most. Be the man in that family. Be the man in the society.
·         EVERY MAN MUST GET TO THE BOTTOM.  You cannot get what you want at the top. The way up is the way down. Be practical in all that you do. Don’t sit and expect results. Get down to the bottom.
·         EVERY MAN MUST AIM AT WINNING.  One of men’s greatest fears is that of failure. Do not be afraid of failing. Failing is part of a process of success. You are not a failure. You must aim at winning. Do not allow yourself to be discouraged because of a failure. Failure is an event and not who you are.
·         EVERY MAN MUST NOT ALLOW HIMSELF TO BE EMOTIONALLY ISOLATED. Men are afraid of four things; Fear, Failure, Friends, Feelings. The 4Fs in the life of a man can make him feel emotionally isolated. You have to stand strong and do not be demeaned by the 4Fs. You are stronger than you may imagine.
·         EVERY MAN NEEDS HEALING.  Many men have unhealed wounds. Some from fathers, mothers, wives, work, etc. You can do nothing about your past but do not allow your past to dictate to you about your future. You can overcome your past. Think positively about tomorrow. Look for people who can mentor you and stand up with you. Most men live very lonely lives.
·         EVERY MAN NEEDS FREEDOM.  Men do not like to be boxed in. They need freedom to try new things and take risks. Explore many areas in your life. Explore the inward potential that you have. You are capable of doing much more than you think.
·         EVERY MAN DEFINES HIMSELF BY WHAT HE DOES, WHO HE KNOWS, OR WHAT HE OWNS.  When a man walks into a room he usually shares his name and the next question is: “What do you do?” Men are living for the applause of others. This is important. The question is: Who do you define yourself to be?

·         EVERY MAN MUST WORK.  Men must work and work hard. It is embarrassing to see a man sit and does nothing and waits for his wife to do everything and supply everything in the home. Stop that behavior. WORK. 

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