Friday, 26 August 2016

Every Man Ought to Know Himself

Most of us don’t bother to know who we are. Yesterday I speaking to a group of people. Then I asked the question: ‘Who are you?’ The participants talked of their names and what they do. I realized that many of us identify ourselves with what we do rather than who we are.

Who are you?  This is not asking for your name or life history. Those things may be a reflection of who you are, but the question goes a little deeper than that. The issue is: how well do you actually know yourself as a person?  In other words, who are you underneath? What do you see when you look at your very core? Who is that inner person walking around in your body, and managing your life? How would you describe yourself?

Psalm 139:13

‘For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb’. (NKJV)

Psalm 139:14

‘I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well’. (NKJV)

It matters who you are

Most men are not in touch with their true self. I have seen very many struggling to know who they are. From a young age we are asked: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The emphasis should be more on “WHO” you want to be instead of what. In reality, “what” is just a role we play and it may have very little to do with our true identity as a person.

We need to know who we are and then align our lives with our true self. How can we harmonize our environment with our deepest values and passions if we have never discovered our innermost true self?

The greatest challenge of not knowing who you are as a man is that you will not fulfil your purpose in life. Our ability to find meaning and purpose in this journey hinges on how well we actually know ourselves. Discovering our true self can open the door to a life that feels fulfilling and exciting and make us productive in our lives as men.

Identifying Yourself as a Man

a. Find your values.  Having values and standards are key to the success of every man. These are the things that matter most to you on the deepest levels. What are your personal values and standards? What are your priorities and beliefs? Do you understand why these things are important to you? What level of commitment are you willing to make to your personal standards and ethics? How true do you want to be to yourself? Look at your inside.

b. Understand your strengths.  You possess natural abilities that enables YOU to do much more than you can imagine. Cultivate and develop them to the highest level. The strengths you have and those you develop are your personal assets. They give you a unique position in life and you need to be aware of them. This includes your emotional strengths and your ability to express love and appreciation.

c. Know your passions.  Passion gives you the drive. What are you passionate about? What is it that gets you excited or demands your undivided attention? What activities and pursuits make you feel really alive? You can’t build your life around your passions if you haven’t figured out what they are. Align your passions with your values and standards.

d. Identify your tendencies.  What makes you click or embarrasses you? Your tendencies often become habits, either good or bad. Do you procrastinate or over react? Knowing your habitual tendencies can help you to analyze areas that need some improvement. It can also help you identify which tendencies most contribute to your strengths and successes. Only you can do it.

e. Acknowledge your limitations.  All of us have our limitations. You will never be the very best at everything. You cannot do somethings. It’s better to know which skills or activities are beyond your ability for now. That way you can delegate those things to others while you focus your energy where it’s the most effective. We can all improve our abilities in most areas of life, so don’t view current limitations as permanent. Just be realistic in your personal assessment. Honesty is a prerequisite to knowing yourself. Do an evaluation of yourself.

f. Set your goals.  You can never realize your dream or vision without goals. What do you really want to achieve? What kind of person do you want to grow into? Goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Realistic and must have a Time frame: (S.M.A.R.T.)

g. Establish your direction.  Do you know where you are going? Once you understand your values, strengths, passions, tendencies, limitations and goals – you need to have a destination to move toward, a direction. Ask the questions: Where am I going? Where am I supposed to be?

Be yourself. Be you.

You are a unique individual.  None is like you in the world. You have a wonderful blend of amazing abilities and qualities combined in a distinctive and exceptional way. Spend some time getting to know yourself. It will CHANGE your perspective in life and the way you handle yourself and life in general.

Men need to be ahead in the pack. Men are very important and the society is looking at them for leadership. The question is: DO WE KNOW OURSELVES?

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