Sunday, 25 September 2016

Men and Character

Character distinguishes men and the way they are able to handle themselves in society.

What is character? 

The dictionary helps us in our understanding of ‘character.’

  1. Character is the combination of traits and qualities distinguishing the individual nature of a person or thing.
  2. Character is the stable and distinctive qualities built into an individual’s life which determine his or her response regardless of circumstances.
  3. Character is moral force or integrity.
  4. Character is reflected in the qualities of honesty, courage or integrity.
  5. Character is reputation.
  6. Character is a summary or account of a person’s qualities and achievements; it is a testimonial that is stated in terms of a character reference.

Character is not something you plan to be in the future. It is who you are now at the present time. Character is not how you may or may not act externally. It has more to do with your inner thoughts, motives and attitudes. Character does not appear without pressure. The true character of a thing is manifest under pressure when the heat is on.

Character can be influenced by our parents. Some of this character is formed by the way in which we were disciplined by our parents. Some of this character is formed by the example that our parents provided for us. Our character can be influenced by those we follow. Who are your friends? Show me your friends and I show why you behave in particular ways.

‘Character is the key to sustaining momentum’ according to John Maxwell.

Many men have ruined their lives and damaged the lives of others through immorality. Character has become a crucial issue today precisely because of the myriad of people that we meet in the political, business, and religious worlds who have fallen morally. Men need to remember that they influence younger men more than they can imagine. So how can we guard against falling? First, we must take care not to emphasize the talents and gifts over character. We have an unhealthy tendency to see and reward the gift more than the character, but both are to be developed.

We must strike the following balance if we are to finish well: Gift Deposited = Character Built.

Men are created to be different from women. A person’s gender is God-given and not culturally ascribed.

Genesis 1:27 ‘So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them’. (NKJV)

Characteristics men should have:

  1. Men don’t have sex with other men. One would think this would be self-explanatory, but not in today’s culture. I don’t care how tall, well-built, tough acting and great looking a guy is. If he has sex with another man, he is performing an act reserved only for women.
  2. Men are comfortable being the heads of their wives. Ephesians 5:23 says, “The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.” Men lead their wives in the sense that they sacrifice for them, protect them, and keep them from experiencing undue stress, exhaustion, pain and hardship.
  3. Men treat their wives with tenderness. 1 Peter 3:7 tells us that husbands should treat their wives with respect “as the weaker partner.”
  4. Men lead well and submit well. Ephesians 5:21 tells us to “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Men feel very comfortable leading their wives, but at the same time feel just as comfortable submitting to their wives, just as scripture teaches.
  5. Men model for their children what a woman doesn’t look like. Little girls learn how a woman acts not only by observing her mother, but by contrasting her with her father. The father demonstrates how a man acts and how a woman doesn’t act. Men don’t dress like women. They don’t act like women. They don’t wear dresses and makeup. Both parents go to great lengths to model what each specific gender looks like for their children.
  6. Men are comfortable around other men. Many men lacked the bonding with the fathers. The challenge to associate with other men becomes so vivid. Men ought to associate with other men to learn on authentic male relationship building opportunities. You cannot grow in isolation. Older men ought to mentor the younger men.
  7. Men speak the truth in love. Avoid gossip, slander and ill talks. Courageous men aren’t afraid to speak the truth in love.


Your character is more important than anything else. Work on developing and improving your character as a man.

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