Saturday, 17 December 2016

A Husband as Leader in His Family

We are living in difficult times when a man is bogged in all sides by the pressures that are coming from the society and particularly the push by the women. The traditional roles of a husband in the home are not really working. The wives are demanding much more in terms of running of the home and the affairs of the family.

For the wife to give herself fully in the relationship, then these following qualities will be demanded from the husband:

1. Be Trustworthy

Trust is the basis for almost all the relationships in your life. Without trust, it's impossible to create healthy and productive environments, either with work or personal situations.
Women want to be assured that their trust, followed closely by their respect is being placed in a safe place and that they are indeed wise to follow where you lead.
When the wife trusts you, she is more willing to give her best, as she knows that she always gets your best. This quality is sometimes referred as integrity or honour, but all these terms have the same basic meaning: you say what you do and do what you say.

2. Inspiration to work towards the family vision

You can't push your wife to believe in or want to work toward the family vision and goals, but rather, one of the qualities of the husband is that you guide, lead, and inspire her to want to participate in the process of moving toward the vision that the family has set.
Inspiring her is one of the most important qualities of good husband. This must be high on your list of skills to enhance.

3. Be self-aware and insightful about your impact in the family

One of the most important qualities of good husband is that the individual is aware of himself; his abilities and the impact that he has in the family.
Recognize how you affect things and anticipate how your family members will react to your decisions and personality. This can be improved with time and practice.

4. Accept responsibility for your actions

Never give excuses. Never pass the buck. In fact, the husband will not only take responsibility for his own mistakes, but also shield his family from negative consequences.
We seem to be raising a society of people who prefer to blame others for their feelings, circumstances and lack of success.
Good husbands are masters at accepting responsibility for all that comes their way and taking ownership and responsibility for getting things back on track. Blaming, justifying and excuse making just isn't in their responsibility. 

5. Have high self-worth and self-esteem

These two qualities are very important to every husband and all me. How you feel about yourself has a whole lot to do with how others perceive you or how effective you can be at taking charge of the family. Every eye is normally on the husband or daddy. However, it would be a huge mistake to make this assumption. Every individual is either their own best friend or their own worst enemy.
How you feel about yourself often leads to subconscious patterns. Those with a negative self-worth may sabotage their own efforts with a deep belief that they aren't good enough to carry the day. These kind of husbands may be handing over their roles to their wives.
Dealing with your self-esteem can seem like a waste of time, but that is absolutely not the case. It is crucial to for your success and leadership in the home.


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