It has bothered me much that men have been running away from their responsibilities both at home and in society. There is an assumption that they are not ready to take up the enormous responsibilities upon their shoulders. Life seems to be very unfair. If you’re not careful, life may make your decisions. Life will decide for you when you’re too slow to make up your mind and do something about it. Life moves too quickly to wait around for you to do something, anything! So, don’t make life wait around; decide now what you want and take charge of your life so you can find the happiness you seek. Taking charge of your life starts in your mind, but it ends with you speaking up, taking action and living the life you’ve always wanted.
Every man ought to:
1. Take responsibility
If you want anything to change in your life, you need to stop with the excuses and make it happen. Most of us are stuck in the role of the victim, blaming everything and everyone but ourselves for what is and what is not happening for us. Our life is the result of the person that we have become. If we refuse to accept that and keep blaming our background, our parents, our teachers, our bosses, the economy and the society for everything that’s negative in our lives nothing is going to change. Things won’t change unless you change how you do things.
If you were attracted to a woman and then in the course of your relationship a baby is born, please, please take up the responsibility of bringing up this child. We have very many single mums in our country because men were never ready to be daddies.
2. Make up his mind
Decide what you want out of life and then plan to take charge of your life. Take the time to analyze your circumstances and decide what you want. Decide what you do want and make those things happen. Everything you decide you want in your life may not happen right away, but if you’ve truly made up your mind, they will happen in time.
3. Speak positively in his own mind
In order to take responsibility of your life, your inner voice must be positive. Train your mind to think positively and to be confident in your own capabilities. Use the power of your thoughts to propel you forward through your life.
4. Do his best
Always put in performances that you can be proud of. If you can do this in one area of your life, soon it will spill over to others. Consider yourself a person who always do your best and start acting like it. Even if it’s working it still needs maintaining and improvement. At times doing your best means the ability to say no and to be able to learn from situations where you feel like you didn’t give your best performance, forgive yourself and improve for next time.
5. Be honest
Don’t lie to yourself. Always be in tune with what’s going on inside you. Let happy things make you happy and sad things make you sad. Don’t suppress thoughts and feelings that are trying to tell you something. If you feel like something’s wrong, don’t ignore it. Even if it’s something you don’t know how to deal with. As you start being honest with yourself it’ll also become easier to be honest with the people around you.
6. Try new ideas
The more things you try, the better. Instead of getting through the day, learn to take from the day.
7. Stop Procrastinating
Do what you ought to do. Do not procrastinate. Is there anything in life you’ve always wanted to do but you just keep putting it off? Take charge of your life by putting an end to procrastination. Start doing those things that you’ve always wanted to do and start becoming the person you want to be today.
8. Be a learner
Be a serious student of life. Get curious about the world. If you find something you are interested in, immerse yourself in it. It might just be your passion uncovering or something that will lead you to it. At the end of each day, make sure that you’ve learned something new.
We have the abilities to do much in our society and families. The women and children and the society at large is looking upon us to do. We have to take up our rightful roles and be responsible men. It is grossly irresponsible of us running away from our responsibilities because we think the task is too heavy for us. We must be prepared to bear the consequences of our actions.
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