Friday, 19 May 2017


If you don't take control of your life, someone or something else will. Your lack of self- control can cause you to lose everything. There are many things you want to blame on people and systems but really it's a matter of you taking control.

Control is defined as having a strong grip; having gained possession of or having a grasp. Based on these definitions, do you have control over your life? Do you have a strong grip on life? What are you gaining possession of in life? If you're not doing any of these things, your life is out of your control. Promises and prophecies can come but it doesn't matter if you're not in control. 

If you’re not careful, life will happen to you. Life will make your decisions. Life will decide for you when you’re too slow to make up your mind and do something about it. Life moves too quickly to wait around for you to do anything! So, don’t make life wait around; decide now what you want and take control of your life. Taking control of your life starts in your mind, but it ends with you speaking up, taking action and living the life you’ve always wanted.

Being in control:

  • Gives you order and structure.
  • Prevents lesser things from taking over your life.
  • Prevents you from making wrong decisions.
  • You avoid running out of time and resources
  • You will carry authority among men.

How do you control your life?

  • With the Word of God. Use your mouth by speaking the truth of the Word of God.
  • Be accountable to someone who can harness you.
  • Make yourself a priority. While you're at it, stop putting everyone else’s needs before your own. Setting better boundaries in relationships and at work will help you create more space in your life to make your own goals a priority.
  • Get rid of your complex. Whether it is inferiority or superiority complex, it is a mirage that keeps you from acknowledging the truth of your situation. In order to be in control of your own life you have to get up and get busy.
  • Decide what you want out of life and then plan to take control of your life. Everything you decide you want in your life may not happen right away, but if you’ve truly made up your mind, they will happen in time.
  • Do what you feel is right for you! Make sure you are doing things for you; it is your life after all.
  • Speak positively in your own mind. In order to take control of your life, your inner voice must be positive. Whenever fear creeps in or negative thoughts start to overrule, acknowledge that they are there and move on! As quickly as you can, get back to a place where you know you can succeed. Train your mind to think positively and to be confident in your own capabilities. Use the power of your thoughts to propel you forward through your life.
  • Make sure that you’re not doing what your parents want you to do or what your friends are all busy doing. What you should be doing every day is what you really want to do or taking the steps to get to what you really want. Life truly is too short to waste time pursuing things you’re not interested in.
  • Take control of your life by putting an end to procrastination. Start doing those things that you’ve always wanted to do and start becoming the person you want to be today.
  • Stop playing the blame game. Accept responsibility over your life. Stop blaming your life circumstances on anyone or anything. You are in control so start taking full responsibility of your life. Once your thought process changes and you take responsibility for your own life, you will realize that what happens to you is entirely up to you.
  • Prepare yourself for whatever you aspire to.
  • Do not complain; ever. Complaining does absolutely no good.
  • Start doing it today. Act the way you’d like to be and soon you’ll be the way you’d like to act.

Proverbs 23:7 New King James Version (NKJV)

‘For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.“Eat and drink!” he says to you, But his heart is not with you’.

The mind is the control tower of life. What we think not only directs what we do but also determines who we are (Prov. 23:7). Our thoughts affect our perception of other people, God, our situations, and ourselves. They determine the direction of our lives, the quality of our relationships, and even our accomplishments or failures. Although we can’t control people or all our circumstances, we can choose what to think about them, which in turn directs how we respond.

Rise up and take control over your life! Let the lion on the inside rise! Strive for your goals and spend time doing things that YOU are passionate about.

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