Children, young men and women are yearning for good fathers and are wondering and asking; ‘what happened to our fathers?’ They are not looking for your wealth but they are looking for your presence. Fathers are important in the lives of children. As fathers, we have the responsibility to raise our children in the Lord. Show your children that they can always count on you and that you are there when they need help.
Eph. 6:4 Message
‘Fathers, don’t exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.’
A good father:
- Loves unconditionally: For many fathers, everyone wants something from them. The relationships are conditional. There is great comfort and safety in a loving home where the father loves unconditionally. When you love unconditionally, you will impart good values to the children and you can build better relationships with them. Don’t place conditions for loving them.
- Makes good decisions: Any decision that the father makes affects the family in one way or the other. A good father makes decisions that add value to his family and especially the children. Children learn from their parents and as head of the home, his decision has far reaching effect on the family. Take time to make good decisions. Each and every day we have a choice. We got a choice to love that person in front of us or not.
- Motivates his family: If a father is not motivated in life, he will not be a position to motivate his family and vice versa. As head of the family, children look to him to encourage, guide, support, stand with them, meet their needs and also motivate them. They need to hear that they can make it too in life. The father is the one they can trust most.
- Loves his children’s mother: By loving his wife and standing with her in all that she is in the family, this then is the most effective modelling that he is showing his children. You become the best in the lives of your children and when they mature and have families, they would desire to follow your example.
- Celebrates his children: Children love to be recognized and love to celebrate their achievements. Join your children during their birthdays, anniversaries, school visits, success and failures in life. Give them total commitment and set these days for them.
- Leaves a Godly legacy: There are many competing voices in a father’s life. “It’s the relationships you build over the years that is the most important thing in life.” What will you be remembered for by your children. This is a question every father must have in mind?
- Pays the price of being a father. In my last article entitled “BEING A FATHER IS GOING TO COST YOU”, I stated that a father must be prepared to carry the entire cross all the way. Once you are a father, you must adjust your life and know that you are no longer alone but you have people dependent on you.
- Brings up children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord: Eph. 6:1-4. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother" (this is the first commandment with a promise), "that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land." Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.
A father must soberly obey Jesus Christ’s command to treat their children wisely.
In conclusion: Fathers are leaders who serve from the front. They are pitiful and show much mercy. Though tough, they need to have godliness. They must be gentle and tender as they deal with their children. Being knowledgeable is a great quality. You can’t lead without wisdom and knowledge.
They are kind, loving and are wise. They are visionary and think of the future and are willing to guide and train their children to greater heights than themselves.
A child success is the joy of his/her parents. AS FATHERS, LET US INVEST IN OUR CHILDREN, IN OUR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN AND LET US LEAVE A LASTING IMPACT IN THEIR LIVES. Let us be the fathers they deserve to have.
Take all the time to be the FATHER.
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