The mind has no horizon; it looks beyond the eye, and seeks for the mind in all it sees, or all it sees overruling. Shakespeare
The great business of a man is to improve his mind: All other projects and pursuits, whether in our power to compass or not, are only amusements. Pliny
The principles of mind management states that, "Our mind is one of the most important assets we have and needs wise, close, and constant care." It is in our mind that all things start. Our mind is the womb of great ideas. It is where success or failure is born and nurtured. In our mind, battles are fought, and lost or won. Our minds are the home of great ideas, achievements, dreams, aspirations, and visions. Since our minds are such an important part of our well-being, proper care and nurturing are vital. The people who practice the principle of mind management believe that we must do certain things.
1.Monitor what we think
All the information we feed into our minds through the five (5) senses affect our way of thinking and reasoning, so it is important to monitor what goes into our minds.
2. We become what we think
We should test what we think with the Word of God, in order to determine right values and standards (Pr.23.7): We should take full responsibility for the things we think and act on (Php 4:8).
3. Use the mind
The more we use our minds, the more active and productive it becomes. Most people seldom use more than ten percent (10%) of their brain's capacity. We should utilize our minds to their fullest potential.
4. Renew the Mind
Constant renewal of the mind brings about a spiritual transformation which enhances growth, both in our spirit and in our soul. We should expand our minds by feeding them new things of importance. Reading the right books and exchanging ideas with wise people is important.
Man is a three-dimensional being
A human being is a three (3) dimensional being. We have a:
a. Spirit, which deals with the spiritual realm.
b. Soul, which deals with the mental realm. The mind, which is our soul, has the ability to think understand, make decisions, perceive, feel, or will. This is where our emotions and actions are determined.
c. Body, which deals with the physical realm.
There are two kinds of minds
The Bible makes it clear to us that there are two (2) types of minds existing in this world. First is the unregenerate mind, which is the mind of a secular person or unbeliever, and secondly, the believer's mind.
The unregenerate mind is a mind that is darkened (Ep.4:17-18), blinded (2Co.4:4), depraved (1Ti.6:5), defiled (Ti.1:15), and dead (Ro.8:6-7). In general, the mind of a secular person is spiritually crippled. It is unable to function towards the true God because it is shielded from the truth and filled with misinformation about God and His Kingdom. The regenerated mind is a mind that is the mind of Christ (1 Co.2:16), and is a sound mind (Ro.12:2).
To "transform" means to "change." God wants our minds transformed into His Will, not conformed to the will or pattern of the world. Christian men should not think and act like worldly people. To transform our minds, we need to fill it with God's Word. God's Word will take the place of uncontrollable thoughts, impure mental pictures, confused ideas, wandering thoughts, and double-mindedness.
The mind of a Christian man is a mind that is peaceful (Ph.4:6-7; Ro.8:6, Is.26:3),motivated (Php.3:14), renewed (Ro.12:2), willing (1Ch.28:9), a right mind (Lk.8:35), and an obedient mind (He.8:10). Unfortunately, not all believers have this kind of mind. There are some things that the Christian mind must be or have.
1.The believer's mind is to be illuminated.
We must have our mind illuminated by the spiritual truth found in the Word of God. We must stop being a withdrawn Christian who hops here and there aimlessly!
2. We must have an eternal perspective.
We are to break from being dominated by the old patterns of thinking and cultivate a mind that holds an eternal perspective, a mind that is capable of doing what it was originally intended by the Creator to do.
3. We must seek God's insight.
The Lord can give our minds great insights and great understanding, this is the evidenced by what He did for Solomon (1 Kg.4:29-31).
God can give us exceptional wisdom, understanding, and breadth of mind to help us accomplish His work here on earth. God is capable of illuminating our minds the way He did Solomon's. Do not limit God's power. If our minds are damaged, pray for healing and restoration of a perfect mind. We can ask God's Spirit to heal us of hurtful memories and cause us to forget those painful experiences of our past.
When we let our minds be illuminated and transformed by the power of God's Word, then we can truly depend on Him. We can explore the great mysteries of God and the beauty that are everywhere in the universe. We can face challenges without giving up. We can accept discipline and authority willingly. We will stop limiting the power of God in our lives, and move beyond the natural to the supernatural (Ro.12:2). Once in a while, our minds need to be renewed by God's power (Php.2:5). We should ask God to give us the mind of Christ, so that we can see things His way (Ep.4:23-24; Mt. 12:35).
We are to renew our minds with good things. This comes about by reading the right books, listening to the right music, and watching the right movies or pictures. It is vitally important to be careful what goes into our minds (2Co.10:5)..We must not allow any kind of pride to enter our hearts (Pr.23:7; Ep.2:2- 3).
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