Read: Mathew 16: 24-26.
According to God’s word, our spiritual life is of the utmost importance and should be given high priority above everything else. True spirituality is learning to manage our lives according to the paradoxes of the Kingdom of God. For instance:
a) We have to loose our life in Christ in order to find it
b) We must learn to give ourselves to God and to others before we can truly receive God’s blessings.
c) We have to die to ourselves before we can truly become alive and live a fuller life.
d) We have to become a servant in order to be a leader
e) We have to grow to become a child in order to inherit the Kingdom of God.
Spiritual management, like any other management task, demands time, energy resources, and above all, a dedicated spirit which is committed to pursuing spiritual growth, the only way to tranquility of soul.
True spirituality helps us to explore our barriers and limitations realistically as mortal beings and, in turn brings us to a point of contact with our Creator. At the point of contact, we learn what the true meaning of life is and what true success is. Here we become sensitive to the Spirit of God, our own inner spirit, and the spirit of our fellow sojourners.
It is through our growing spiritual experiences that we learn to overcome the despair and meaninglessness of life, which are brought about by the complexity and boundless weariness in our society toady
Acquiring true spirituality
a) True spirituality is acquired by surrendering our lives to Christ, by making Him Lord over our lives and our affairs (Mt. 6: 33, Rom. 10: 6-10).
b) To make Christ our Lord, we must learn to walk in obedience to His Word (Lk.6: 46; Jn.14:15; Isa.15: 22-23).
c) We must be determined to walk the strait and narrow path that leads to the true life (Mt. 7:13-14).
d) We must walk in love (1Jn. 4:19; 1 Co.13:13).
e) We must walk in His righteousness ( 2 Co. 5: 21; Phil. 3:9)
f) We must guard our hearts from evil and greed. We live in a world that is full of spiritual contamination, so we must guard and protect our faith (Ps. 51: 10 -12; 1 Co. 1: 4-9 Pr.23:15-23).
g) We must stay in fellowship. Staying in fellowship with other believers will give us spiritual life. (He.10: 25; Phil.2 1-11; Ro. 12: 10-16).
h) We must nourish our spirit constantly with the proper spiritual diet.
i) We must bring the whole of our psychological being to God. We should not try to repress our feelings or split off those parts of ourselves that we do not like or cannot change. God wants to deal with us as whole beings, not segmented personalities, so we find those hidden parts of our lives and bring them to the healing light.
j) We must sink our roots into sound doctrine and stay on the proper course with our values firmly established.
Spiritual Diet
The Word is the staple of a good spiritual diet. We all need spiritual food to strengthen our inner being. As physical food gives life, the Word of God is the main course, because within its pages the most important nutrients that our inner being needs can be found.
God uses His Word to transmit His thoughts, to illuminate our minds, to reveal His will and wisdom to us and to give life, healing and power to us. Through His Word, He provides practical solutions to life’s challenges and problems. Through His Word, He provides practical solutions that guarantee true success, happiness and prosperity, His way. We will find workable guidelines to bring up our family, run our business and establish our lives in life in God’s Word. God’s Word helps us put things into proper focus in relation to His infinite wisdom.
A true discipleship is in obedience to the teachings of his master. His teachings are mainly to point us to the way of life that will liberate us from our own slavery, into the perfect freedom that only comes from the master. Knowing the truth will make us free, free from the worries of the world. Through His Word, we learn to trust Him as a father (Jn. 8: 31-32).
Let God revive our spirits to His way of living and thinking according to His Word. We will see things differently if our minds are turned to God’s wavelength. “Revive me and give me life.” Let this be our prayer as we read His Word daily (Ps. 119:154).
This is the only way of receiving God’s faith. It is by hearing God’s Word. God is behind his Word. He gives it power to quicken our spirits when we commune with him and to feed our minds with His infinite wisdom. This kind of faith helps us to change our lives and the lives of those around us (Ro.10: 17). We keep God’s word because we love him. That should be the main reason. When we let God’s word influence our lives, we create favorable conditions for the Lord to abide in our lives. Then we express God’s life in our daily lives (Jn.14: 23).
This is the secret of answered prayer. We have to let God’s Word shape our lives. We must let it become apart of our total being to the point that God’s will and desires become ours. This will deepen our intimacy with the Lord … “then ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. (John 15:16). Try it and see (Jn. 15:7).
God’s Word will build us up, not only spirituality, but also in every other areas of life. It will create and stimulate growth. It will open a new way of life that is more fulfilling, enriching, and built on a proper foundation (Ac.20: 32).
When Joshua took this challenge, he was greatly blessed by God, becoming one of the greatest leaders in history. When we read and meditate upon God’s Word, it becomes part of our thought life. This makes it easier for us to set up values and standards based on His Word. God has promised true success to those who will faithfully observe and meditate upon the wisdom of God. Jos. 1:8).
This is a self-actualized life, highest form of true success that can only come from God. In the Bible we find that Joseph and Daniel had this kind of success. Everywhere they went, success was waiting for them, even in the midst of enemies, repression, confusion, persecution, and hopeless situations. They were like trees planted by the streams of water. We can be, too (Ps. 1:2-3).
Do not let men’s ideas and philosophies of life water down the principles of the Kingdom. The knowledge we acquire in God’s Word can never be replaced by men’s formulated and fabricated ideologies. Every idea that is set high to crowd out or water down God’s wisdom should be refuted. All men’s ideas come and go, but God’s Word shall live forever. If our lives are in line with the Word of God, God’s Spirit will quicken our minds and give us great insights, principles, and great discoveries which will amaze people (2 Co. 10:5). We do not settle for or allow ourselves to become confused by cheap philosophies. God Word and thoughts should be in the center of our hearts. That is the only way they can bring life and power to our inner self. They will generate healing, health and power to our wounded spirit, memories and relationship (Pr. 4:20-23).
Read God’s Word: We Must Maintain a Teachable Attitude
Be a learner. Let His Word be engrafted in us. Let it take a deep root in our lives. Let it change us to fit into God’s image. This is God’s authority and handbook that we need to be acquainted with above all else (Ps. 32: 8-9). We must let God be our teacher. Sometimes we get hurt simply because we do not give God’s Word a chance to direct us as to the way we should go. Let His eye bring light to us.
We Are to Develop a Listening Ear.
It is important to train our spirits to be able to listen and meditate upon the wisdom of God. We must focus our attention and listen intently. This will increase our learning and deepen our relationship with the Lord. The following is crucial:
a. We increase learning by listening both with our ears. Try reading the scriptures a loud.
b. We are to listen, consent, and submit.
c. We are to apply our minds to the knowledge of God.
d. We should not limit ourselves to our own way of thinking. Go beyond and think from God’s perspective (Pr. 8:11; 22:17-18).
This is what happens when we let God take over our lives. He gives us higher knowledge, a mind quick to understand, and a spirit that will easily process ideas as they come. We will know what to say, when to say it, and want not to say. We need people of this nature who do not talk just for the sake of talking (Is. 50: 4-5).
It is important to control our tongues
We have to learn to guard our lips and present them to the Lord. Otherwise there is a constant leakage of power through our careless talk. We can never be effective listeners unless we have learned to control our tongues. (Ja. 3:2,6).
a) It is possible to discipline the tongue (1Pe. 4:11).
b) We build God’s power in our lives through the Word. Otherwise, we still have nothing to administer (Pr. 25: 11).
c) Let us now minister life through our words to all we meet (Ec.10: 12-14).
d) How do we acquire wisdom and learn to talk like wise people do? Are we tired of saying the wrong things to people? We can ask God to help us learn to take charge of our tongue and to help us know the right time and the right way to use it. Sometimes our mouths betray us. (Ec.12:11).
e) We can give or minister only what we have. We cannot give what we do not have. To acquire God’s wisdom, we need to be close to Him and learn from His Word. We also need to learn from those who have more than we do. It is important to build our Scripture power.
Faith is that invisible force that links us to God and the supernatural (He.11). It is that eye that sees and believes in God. It is that hand that clings to Him and receives His promises. It is that foot that treads in the narrow way to meet the master on the other side of the dark valley.
Faith is one of the most important spiritual ingredients because it is impossible to communicate with the Lord without it. Therefore we have to learn to develop a personal faith that is based on God’s written Word, faith rooted in the thoughts of God which are revealed to us as His Word illuminates and transforms our natural mind. This kind of faith is supernaturally oriented. It cultivates eternal perspective, which enables us to explore the mysteries of God, His love, goodness and perfect will for us as His children. Each one of us has a certain measure of faith, and it is upon this faith that more faith is built. We should allow our faith to be fully born within us and, like a precious child, we should protect it, feed it, and let it grow into maturity (Is. 28:10).
Taking care of your faith
a. We must program our mind with God’s Word.
We allow it to operate freely in us. God’s Word has life in it. When allowed to work, it instills God’s thoughts within us, which in turn make us see things His way. Our faith is shaped by what we feed it.
b. Right confession is critical to faith’s operation.
We have to confess God’s thoughts and thoughts that are in line with His Word. Acknowledging God is very important because what we speak forth affects our faith and our subconscious. Our words can be constructive or destructive to our faith walk.
c. We must learn to use the power of our imagination.
It is a great gift from God. When we envision something in our minds, we make it more real, and it helps our faith to reach for it and grasp it.
d. It is necessary for us to put our faith into practice.
This will make it stronger and more useful (He.11:6; Mt.17:20-21)
e. We must learn to :
i. Stand by faith always (2 Co.1:24; 1Co.16:13). We are to stand fast, be brave, and be strong.
ii. We are to live by faith always. We walk by faith, not by sight (2 Co. 5: 7; Ga. 3:11; Ro.1:17). The just shall live by faith.Spiritual Exercise and Discipline
Just as our physical bodies need a nutritious diet balanced with a healthy life-style and exercise, so also we must balance our study of God’s Word and the building of our faith with the inner discipline of rest and communion with Him.
Solitude is the quality or state of being alone or remote from society. It is aloneness privacy retirement, seclusion. We live in a society that is very complex, fast, noisy and busy. We often find ourselves either too busy, very bored, or trapped in an endless rat race. It then becomes hard for us to communicate with our inner self, other people, and our creator. As a result of this, we end up living shallow and empty lives. We can hardily find God and His peace in the midst of all the hurried pace of life.
Jesus promised us peace (Jn.14:27; 16: 33). We can only find this river of peace when we learn the art of solitude. Our getting out of the fast-moving world into still, quiet places will enable us to get in touch with ourselves and commune with our master. This process of introversion helps us to cool down the tumult of activities in our minds as we come into direct contact with the impact of our emotions
In the place of solitude, we can truly face ourselves as we are; deal with our anger, fear, guilt, and our shortcomings. In solitude we can truly become transparent before our Creator without being intimidated, and in silence we can receive the healing ministry of Jesus in our inner lives. We can let him prune and trim those unimportant priorities and desires out of our lives. It is in this state that we can willingly empty ourselves of the unnecessary loads we bear and rearrange our priorities in the new light of God’s wisdom.
Wise people have discovered the importance of solitude. They have learned that the only way to expand and deepen one’s inner relationship with the Father and to achieve a deeper realization of spiritual freedom is by learning silent communication with God. This part of His eternal Kingdom is that which is found within our hearts (Lk.17: 21; Is. 40: 29-32; Lam. 3: 25-26; Ps. 40: 1-3; 77: 6).
This form of waiting upon the Lord renews our strength to love and walk in His ways. It deepens our perception of His Word. Like eagles, we can fly (Is.40:31). He becomes our rock, our security (Ps. 46:1). Then we walk in the high places. This silent, spiritual contemplation is what we call meditation.
The word “meditate “has several meanings. These including:
i. To focus one’s thought on something (Ps. 77: 12).
ii. To reflect on or ponder over a matter
iii. To plan or project in the mind
iv. To engage in contemplation or reflectionGod is doing so much around us every day that we would do well to take time to meditate upon this goodness of God. This is to get in touch with our Creator. There is nothing better on which to meditate than God’s Word. It renews our mind and refreshes our spirits. (Jobs 1:8). If we delight in God’s Word and meditate upon it, we shall be like a “tree planted by the rivers of water…...” we will fruit in season, our leaf will not wither, and all we do will prosper (Ps. 1:2-3).
It is necessary to meditate on good things that will build our relationship with God, ourselves and others. Think of those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and encouraging, that is things of virtue. These things will help plaster our minds with strong-textured principles which will protect us from spiritual dangers. We have to feed our mind with a proper diet. Our subconscious mind needs good, positive messages to help us make right decisions and choices. (Phil. 4: 8).
Meditation is a deep level of solitude, which is reached when our souls enter into silent exploration and personal dialogue between self and the creator. This comes about when one tears loose from the noise around himself to undisturbed silence. He enters into his heart, where the Kingdom of God is found and achieved. There is an emptying process that begins, as he moves away from the overpowering elements of the world around him, into God’s presence. Jesus set a good example for us to follow. He often turned inward to relate to the inner (spiritual) world. This in turn gave him power to deal with the outer world. He was able to develop a most profound intellectual framework, even at His early age. His sober spirit perceived and appreciated the beauty of the outer world, because He lived from inside and His power was from within, from God’s Kingdom. We all have this resource available to us, but like every other treasure, it is buried and has to be brought up to the surface.
Methods of Meditation
God desires us to meditate on the Word (Jos.1:8; Ps19:14). The meditation we are talking about is not Eastern meditation, which is fragmentary, dependent, and incomplete. This type of meditation will lead to demonic activity in a person’s life. This meditation is strictly on the Word of God. Christian meditation is about bringing us face to face with the reality of life offered to us by those wounded hands of Jesus.
i. First we should find a place where we will not be disturbed or hurried.
ii. Secondly we should relax, calm down and shut out all worries and the business of our daily life. We must prepare ourselves to commune with our inner being and our Creator.
iii. Thirdly, we must invite God’s presence and his Spirit to watch over us and help us in meditation.
iv. It is necessary to calm down, breathe deeply and calmly. That will help us in relaxation and concentration, without the rush of daily life.
v. Choose a scripture to meditate on. This could be a scripture verse that the Lord is speaking to us about, or one which we desire to receive revelation on.This meditation should revolve around Christ in relation to our personal life. We take our inner wounds, hurts, and pains and greatly bring their roots to the healing light of the Master. Slowly and gently, we enter one particular area of our lives into personal dialogue. The ultimate goal of dialogue meditation is to bring down every imagination, emotion, or power that is exalted above Christ and His Kingdom. It is to purify our thoughts, our hearts, and motives, and build up an intimate relationship with God and ourselves.
A life that is dedicated to this kind of discipline causes our spirits to be more alert and receptive, capable of dealing with one’s feelings more creatively and constructively. Our spirits then become more open to God, and our communication does not have to depend on human words or limitations. Our strong egos are broken down and humbled to enable our souls to flow with God’s love, meekness and joy. Our spirits meet God’s Spirit, and a prayer is born in our lives. This kind prayer is an ‘’inner prayer”, This “Inner prayer” that is born in devotion with God is the highest form of the prayer, and it brings true freedom to our souls.
Inner Prayers
The things we have already mentioned here are not to be followed or done mechanically otherwise, they will lose their meaning and purpose. Like a child, we should learn to walk by taking one small step at a time.
The inner prayer is that prayer which comes from within us, born of the Spirit and an expression of a total life that has been poured out before the Lord on the altar of sacrifice. It begins with yielding and laying down all defenses and barriers that separate us, but a life that is silently adjusting itself to the symphony of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, pulling off masks that have stolen our true identity and filled our lives with unnecessary fears and struggles that we need not tear down our self-importance goes, as the counterpoint of our inner prayers arises, demolishing the walls of hypocrisy, anxiety, and restlessness that bind our souls into captivity.
This kind of prayer brings change in one’s life. Instead of doing all the talking, we let the silence and the quietness of God speak to our souls, for in the silence the voice of God is heard more clearly. Instead of our pleading to God and presenting our needs to Him, we become open to His will and desires in our lives. We learn to listen to Him more attentively as we gradually inhale His strength. The outcome is that our inner life slowly takes over our outward life, and when the darkness of trial comes, it comes to deepen our prayer life and strengthen us.
Jesus and Prayer
i. Early in the morning, before every other activity, He had to commune with God and Himself (Mk.1:35). This was the secret of His spiritual power.
ii. Jesus spent time in solitude, alone, in prayer (Mk.6:46).
iii. He left his company and activities behind. The amount and magnitude of things can greatly hinder our progress in the ministry.
iv. Jesus sought hills, quiet nature, the woods and stones, and solitude for prayer (Lk.5:15-16).
v. He was busy but He withdrew to lonely places to be alone, to contemplate, to commune, and to pray (Lk.6.12).
vi. The darkness of night was around Him, but light was glowing deep within Him, as He spent the whole night with Father God (Mk.6:47).We must be prayerful
Prayer is the highest form of communication. It is not limited to space or time. It can be carried out anywhere, any time, in any form or manner. It can be in tranquil silence or mental quietude, in any posture, or expressed by our deepest feelings, tears, our praises, or acts of gratitude. We should learn to communicate with our Creator, in the Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayer. It is important to let Him be our ultimate friend.
We must seek to find the true treasures of life, and avoid seeking useless things in life. We are to seek God with our whole heart. When we seek God's ways, we are to do it with our whole heart (Je.29:13). It is our rightful position to humble ourselves (2Ch.7:14). We must turn away from wicked deeds (2Ch.7:14). When we seek forgiveness, healing will be administered (2Ch.7.14). We are to pray in the Spirit on all occasions (Ep.6:18; Php.4:6; Co.4:2). We are to be alert and always keep on praying (Lk.18:1) and not give up.
We are to depend on His strength and always seek His face (Ro.8:26). Our weaknesses are many, but the Spirit helps us through them all. He intercedes for us with expressions that are beyond words (Ro.8:26).God searches our hearts often because that is where His Kingdom is.(Ro.8:27).The Spirit intercedes for us in accordance with God's will.
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