Monday, 23 June 2014

Making the Right Decisions and Choices in Life are Crucial

Good decisions are the product of wisdom. Wisdom is the product of experience. And experience is the product of poor decisions.

James says about indecision:
6 …he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind….8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
James 1:6, 8

As the man in the home choices you make have more impact than you can realize

Making the right choices in life determines how your life goes. In fact life is a series of choices. If you make dumb decisions you fail in life. The choices you make – makes you. Every choice you make has a consequence. And because of that, making the right choices can be very stressful. Yet you have more choices now then ever before.

Yes you can travel to any place in the world if you just have enough time or money. You can choose your political leaders or choose not to vote. You can choose from dozens of restaurants where to have lunch or dinner. Choice is a part of our lives and its here to stay. Making choices can be very stressful. Should I hold on or should I let go? Should I get in or should I get out? We have all made decisions that at the time seems right but come to find out – it wasn’t such a good decision after all. Some paths are dead ends. So the first thing we need to do is to admit that we need help.

We make choices based upon what we are processing through our five senses, which are the events and circumstances of life. We then choose our reactions to these events and circumstances of life. These choices become part of our actual biology, and we live into this biology much in the same way Proverbs 23:7 notes: “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. It’s our choices that make something out of nothing. It’s our choices that make the powerless lie into a physical reality. This is the incredible power God has given us: to be able to think, choose and create reality. No wonder he tells us to “choose life”!

Clearly, the choices you make today not only affect you, spirit, soul and body, but also those around you and your descendants! If your choices are good this is good, but if the choices were bad…you have set up a string of negative events with a myriad of consequences!

Three areas to consider:

1. Choices We Make Shape Our Lives

Our existence comprises of choices that we make. Choices are everywhere. Despite our parents making most of our decisions for our better and brighter future when we’re very young, we start learning how to choose between the options placed strategically in front of us and make decisions.

The choices you make and the decisions you take have a long lasting impact on your life. They make us special; put a bar of distinction between us and everyone else. Our lives are a series of choices we’ve made so far. We live with those choices for the rest of our lives.

We can’t undo the past, but we can always learn from it. Choices are the building blocks of our lives and despite all the mistakes one makes, a new day brings with itself new opportunities and a whole new world of choices. 

2. Choices We Make Impact Our Lives

Regrets are a waste of time anyway, as you can’t change the past. So, let go of the past and decide to choose to live your life with no regrets. Living a life of no regrets doesn’t mean perfection. It means that we choose to make decisions with a little more thought. When we look back on the choices we have made, will we regret any of the choices? Is a successful and happy life with few or no regrets a choice?  We can’t change others, nor can we single-handedly change the world. However, we do have the power to change our own lives. You do not have to settle for what you think is life’s role for you. You are not doomed to live a life you are unhappy living. You are not enslaved to other people. Any and all of these self-limiting beliefs can be overcome. If what you are currently doing doesn’t serve you, you can choose to change it right now.  

3. Choices and their Consequences

People are defined by the choices they make and the consequences of those choices. In fact, the Bible is a book about people like us whose choices determined their future. For example Adam and Eve, Cain, and Noah all made choices and lived with the consequences – good or bad.

Whenever the Bible talks about people and their choices, the Holy Spirit faithfully shares with us the negative consequences of their poor choices as well as the positive consequences of their wise choices. So, along with the freedom to choose comes the responsibility for our choices. If we will allow Him, God will help us make wiser choices so that the consequences of our choices will give us a better life in Christ. Good decisions are the product of wisdom. Wisdom is the product of experience. And experience is the product of poor decisions.

The choices we make as children shape our future and influence the decisions we will make as adults. It’s like laying bricks for the foundation of a building. Look on life as an adventure. Face the daily risks. Learn from your right decisions as well as your wrong ones. Reflecting on the consequences of our choices not only helps us not to repeat our mistakes it increases the number of our wise decisions and the good consequences they bring.

Choices are not made in a moral or spiritual vacuum. If you are God’s child, both the Lord and His enemy are bombarding your mind with urges, fantasies, and ideas. Knowing which of these comes from who is essential if you are going to express Christ’s life and deny expression to His enemy. Committing Scripture to memory will help you develop the necessary discernment for this task.

Remember that the choice is yours. It has always been.

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