Press on and on and never give up. It is said that failure is a
necessary precursor to ultimate success. As men we want to make it big in the
real world? Fail early, fail fast; fail often, as the saying goes. We all fail,
will continue failing and failing will always be with us but you never quit.
Quitting is not for men. You have a strong heart that gives you the zeal to
continue going on and going strong.
are many countless success stories that are replete with mistakes and
obstacles. A failure that results from well-designed and well-intentioned
experimentation can be worthy of praise. And regardless of whether failure
offers any real value, it’s a common occurrence in our uncertain environment
and a natural part of our existence. Though one has to create a purposeful life,
failing will always come. You have to have a big heart to overcome failure.
While we all want success, it’s not guaranteed. That’s why the ability to
recover from setback and move forward is essential. And this starts with
embracing, processing, and even benefiting from failure.
An American preacher is quoted as having said:
Failure does not mean you are a failure – It does mean
you have not succeeded yet.
does not mean you have accomplished nothing – It means you have learned
does not mean you have been a fool – It means you have a lot of faith.
does not mean you have been disgraced – It means you are willing to try.
does not mean you don’t have what it takes – It means you have to do something
in a different way.
does not mean you are inferior – It simply means you are not perfect.
does not mean you have wasted your life – It means you have reasons to start
does not mean you should give up – It means you must try prayerfully harder.
does not mean you will never make it – It means it will take a little patiently
does not certainly mean God has abandoned you – It simply means God has a better
idea for you!
Success is never certain and failure is never final.
As long as you have the grace of God, failure is not final.
help you build resilience and character, give you insights about your work,
yourself, and others, enrich your experiences, test your emotional
intelligence, and add to your knowledge and skills.
yourself for events that are outside your control or constantly rescuing others
signals that you’re taking on too much responsibility. But step up to the occasion
when your involvement truly matters. Think about your role in the situation and
decide what you can do differently and better, going forward. Acknowledge your
Blame and Give Excuses; When you don’t take ownership of your actions and choices, you
miss out on the chance to correct course. Blaming others or external events can
give you a sense of control, but makes it harder for you to effect the way
denials. Ignoring and hiding
your mistakes cause you to miss out on the valuable lessons they provide. You
are bound to repeat them if you don’t shed light on them. Denying your role in
the failure or that a failure occurred reduces chances of improvement
failures doesn't mean deliberately seeking it or creating a lax work
environment. It’s not a call for reckless conduct and disregard of standards.
Fear of failure can be healthy when it protects you and doesn't paralyze you.
Failure and mistakes have real consequences. Do what you must to avoid or
minimize them. Do what you can to fill in the blanks and create solutions.
realize that you will continue to face uncertainty, mess up, and experience
outright failures because you’re human. You’re fallible and you don’t have all
the answers. Knowing how to accept and process failures will help you use them
to your advantage. Recognizing them as normal and often necessary to success is
When you accept that you have failed, you can then make an
about turn on the situation and then pursue, overtake and
recover all that you have lost. You have to believe in yourself and
don’t give up even when situations almost force you to give up. You are strong
and any challenges that you are going to face have been faced by other men in
the past. These challenges may be new to you but not to humanity.
You are the Man
and you must not quit or give up.
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