Friday, 2 January 2015

Making the Tough Decisions in 2015

Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths".(NKJV)

Many men are going to struggle to make the tough decisions this year. Decision making is a process that is not easy but whatever decision one makes has consequences. The above two verses are among the most beloved in the entire Bible. This text is striking in its simplicity. There is nothing difficult about it. It is so simple that it can be understood by the youngest believer and yet it is a comfort to the oldest saint of God. And it is good for all Christians in-between. It has been the hope and encouragement of countless multitudes of God’s people across the centuries.

Because it is utterly simple, we may prove it true any time we like. These words cling to the soul because they speak to a great need we all feel—the need for guidance. After all, there is no question greater than this: What is the will of God for my life?

2015 will be a year with many challenges. So when we make tough decisions we must seek the guidance of God. What are the many decisions that you are going to make? What impact are they going to have on you, your family and other people in your community? The greatest question should be: "Lord, what do you want me to do?”

Proverbs 3:5-6 suggests the basis on which guidance will come. It is a short course in knowing God’s will for your life. If you will learn what this passage really is teaching, and begin to apply it in your daily life, it will make a profound difference when you come to make those really tough decisions.

Key Words in Making Tough Decisions in 2015

The following five key words are very important while making the tough decisions in 2015:

1. Trust.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” The word trust means to rely upon or to have confidence in. You must fully trust in God in 2015.

2. Lean.

“Lean not to your own understanding.” It means to rest upon for partial support. You lean on something when you are not strong enough to stand alone. By our own, we can do very little. But when we lean on God, there is nothing we can’t do. As you make those tough decisions, lean on God.

3. Understanding.

“Lean not on your own understanding.” The word has to do with your mental faculties. It refers to the mental processes by which you analyze a problem, break it down into its smaller parts, and then you make a decision about what you are going to do. So the word understanding refers to those mental processes by which you look at a problem, you analyze it, and you decide how you are going to solve it. It is also how you set up the order of your life. It is not a bad word. Understanding is simply the decision-making ability that God has given you. God has enabled you to have understanding but don’t just depend on your own understanding in 2015. Don’t trust in your own ability to figure out your life.

4. Acknowledge.

It is the imperative form of the verb to know. You could translate this by saying, “In all your ways know him.” It’s the kind of knowing that comes with personal experience. It means to know something through and through. It is good to acknowledge God who has given us life, abilities, strengths, good health, other people, and even gives us the resources that we need in this life. As you make those tough decisions in 2015, first acknowledge Him.

5. Direct.

“He will make your paths straight.”

It has the idea of a road which appears to be impassable. The year 2015 will have many crooked paths. Things may not all go the way you are planning now. That is why we will need God to direct our paths. It is this road of your life that we talking about. That’s the road you are traveling right now. As you look at it, it appears to be covered with rocks. It appears to be filled with potholes. It appears to be a road to nowhere. That’s the way life is. And as far as you can see in 2015, the road is filled with nothing but potholes and nothing but potholes. Be encouraged to ask God for His direction in 2015.

All you have to do is trust in the Lord. Lay yourself completely on him for full support upon him. Don’t lean for support on your own human understanding. In all your ways know God intimately. He will take the path of your life which seems to go up and down and around and sometimes seems to curve backwards, and He will make your way straight.

Good Biblical Advice for 2015

The Bible says in all your ways know him intimately, know him deeply, know him personally. As a man knows a woman, know God that way. Know him to that depth. Know him to that kind of fellowship and that kind of intimacy.

Many of us want to go through life leaning almost completely upon our own understanding. Many more want to do things their own way. They like to know what’s going on. They like to be in charge of their own destiny. This passage is a warning to all of us who want to do things our own ways.

As you make those tough decisions in 2015,put God first in everything including all your plans and all your thinking and all your scheming. Put God first. And He will make your way straight.”

We focus all our energy on decisions. God says, Know me. And I will take care of the details. We want specific direction. God says, In all your ways know me and everything else will fall into place.

So the most important thing is not just the decisions you are facing. The most important thing is your relationship with God. And the closer you get to God, the easier it will be for God to guide you in the way he wants you to go. Knowing God means taking all that you have and placing it at the disposal of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.


God is able to remove the obstacles in front of you. He is able to fill in the potholes. God rewards those who show regard to him by leading them straight to the right end and removing all the obstacles along the way.

We rarely see this in advance. We mostly see the potholes. The boulders block our view. Many times it seems as if there is no path at all. But he will make a way.

One word: He shall direct thy path:

Who is the “He” of Proverbs 3:6?

a. The “He” is the God of the Bible. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Moses. The God of Israel. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The God who spoke and a thousand million galaxies sprang into being. The God who has numbered the grains of sand. The God who knows the hair on your head. The God who sees the sparrow when it falls. The God who holds the universe in his hands.

b. That God, the Almighty, Transcendent God of the universe, He will direct your paths. That’s the God who says, “If you will but know me, I will take care of the details. Trust me. Rest your full weight on me. Know me in everything. And I, the God of the universe, will direct your paths.”

If God has said he will lead you, then why are you so fearful? If God has said he will take up your cause, then why are you worried about tomorrow?

2015 is here with us. Let’s make all the tough decisions by involving God in those decisions. He holds our future in His hands. We will not go wrong at all. His will for our lives will be accomplished in 2015.

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