Bad days will always come; days that you really get disappointed and many times regret why you did what you did. You can be very discouraged and may take certain actions that you may feel again may add sorrow upon sorrow. As men, we all have bad days; Days when nothing goes right and everything we touch goes sour. All men have been there and these days will always come and go. You simply cannot be a man and not have bad days. You can become downcast. The Psalmist has this to say:
Psalm 42:5-6
‘Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance. O my God, my soul is cast down within me; Therefore I will remember You from the land of the Jordan, And from the heights of Hermon, From the Hill Mizar’. (NKJV)
When bad days get tough, don´t be surprised if you feel a heaviness trying to overwhelm you. Don´t be surprised if you hear negative thoughts telling you, "It´s never going to work out. Things are never going to get better. It´s over; It´s done." When those thoughts come, remember, you have a choice–you don´t have to believe those lies. You don´t have to get on board with your emotions.
We have to learn from the bad days. We must change as a result of the lessons.
Bad days are normal. You are not alone. We have all been there. These days will come and go but you must learn from them.
Bad days remind you the task is not easy and never will be. If you read the Bible from cover to cover, you will not find an instance where God ever called a man to an easy task. Men have always not had it easy. We have to toil, be beaten up and not give up. A good example is raising up a family. It is not easy at all.
Bad days remind us we are men. Tough men get going when the going becomes tough. You simply cannot give up. You are the man and others are depending on you. Keep going. If you feel you are constantly being kicked in the backside, it simply means you are leading from the front.
Bad days are why leadership in the home is desperately needed. It is when things are difficult or unclear that men at home are desperately needed. Men in the home are the ones who help the families navigate these times. You are very much needed. Take your rightful role.
Bad days are times for personal development. Sometimes events take place as a result of our actions or poor decisions. We need to accept the consequences, learn from them and improve. You simply cannot sit back. Get the lessons and act upon them to gain greater aspects of your personal development. You must grow.
Bad days will eventually come to an end. All storms have one thing in common – they end. Last week I was at Watamu Town which is in the Kenyan Coast. I observed in the ocean as they came and ended at the beach or hit the coral rocks and went back. I leant that all bad days will come, hit us, but will not stick there. You are a very valuable asset. Every day, whether good or bad, comes to an end. Tomorrow is a new day and the sun will rise again.
Bad days need to be segmented. If you have a bad day at the office, it should not affect your home. Your home should be a sanctuary. Unfortunately many men bring their office frustrations into their homes.
Bad days remind us about the importance of priorities. My personal relationship with Jesus Christ and my family are the two most important things in my life. They will love me when it seems no one else does. What are your priorities?
Bad days are neutralized with solitude. As men, tough times force us to step back, get alone, find a quiet place and gain a proper perspective of the situations we are facing. Set times once in a while and go to place of solitude; reflect and pray.
Bad days can be a gift. As men, difficult people and situations force us to press into Jesus and trust Him for our next steps. It is these times which bring deeper intimacy with the One who loves us most.
In the Bible, David encountered many difficult situations. That spirit of heaviness tried to steal his destiny. He got depressed and discouraged, but do you know what he did? He started talking to himself. He said, "Why are you cast down, oh my soul? Put your hope in the Lord." God is still on the throne, and He still has good things in store." When that heaviness tries to come on you, do what David did. As you put your trust in the Lord and praise Him, He´ll give you His strength and empower you to overcome every obstacle you may face!
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