Balance in life is an important aspect that we all need. It is very easy to give up in life. In the midst of a crisis, it’s not always easy to see the bigger picture because we are consumed with emotions and often overwhelmed. God supports us in all ways, through all things. In life we need to see and feel all the unusual, wonderful, mysterious, heart- warming, miraculous, glorious and beautiful ways God weaves love and peace into our lives.
So often we believe our dreams are dead. There seems to be nothing left in our world to live for. Everything appears to be against us. During these times, God is doing His deepest behind the scenes work. During these times, God is performing a deeper work in each of us, a work that cannot be seen. At the time you might only be seeing the immediate situation and not the ways you are being supported through this turmoil.
Men’s egos like to take a strong hold in keeping us stuck in the situation and not wanting our eyes and hearts to open to the bigger picture. There is more than meets the eye. Since our “self” sizes up people and situations quite quickly, and often with judging, blaming or complaining, we can struggle with considering there’s more to it then we are seeing at the time.
Things may seem hopeless, frustrating, stressful, or you may be feeling anxious about never getting over the past, or how you are feeling towards a person or situation right now. You may not be able to see beyond the present impasse "at this point in time" but you will.
Open yourself for opportunities, new ways of thinking, being, and doing things. There is a feeling of hope instead of hopelessness. You may not be able to move through the problems right away and step into the possibilities that are patiently waiting your invitation, but there is a bigger picture and it’s always there supporting you. This is why balance is important.
It’s not about getting over of what is generating stressful thoughts and feelings, it’s about learning, growing, and expanding through them, and even befriending them. When you can see through the feelings and/or problems you begin to see the world differently. You move out of the small picture zone into the big picture zone.
Perhaps during a troubled or stressful time a friend offers an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, calls you, or brings you food or makes you a cup a tea. The sun could be shining, and the birds are singing. Maybe something happens that you never expected and things align once again. Then there are places that we are able to go to or attend that provide us with encouragement, comfort, support, inspiration and hope. You might discover that by befriending the very things, people, situations and feelings that are stressful and painful, you invoke introspection and insights.
One of the greatest challenges in life is staying balanced and grounded. No matter what area of life we are talking about, there is a natural human tendency to become so focused on the details right in front of us that we forget to look at the big picture. We need both.
The more we grow as a person the greater our capacity to make a meaningful contribution to the world around us. Cultivating the qualities of empathy and compassion will influence how we choose to express our personal contribution because it will influence who we are as a person. Being balanced and grounded while making a meaningful contribution means learning to do right by ourselves without becoming self-centered or insensitive to the plight of those who are less fortunate.
Don’t rush to do things that don’t add value to your life. Avoid people that will not add value to you. Don’t lose your focus in life. Are you balanced and grounded in all that you do in life? This is key in your life.
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