Tuesday, 19 September 2017


Words have incredible power

The Bible says life and death are in the power of the tongue.

Pr.12:18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. NIV

Pr. 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. NIV

WORDS are more important than a lot of people realize.

  • WORDS make us or break us.
  • WORDS heal us or make us sick.
  • Words bless us or curse us.
  • The words that I hear in the morning will linger with me all through the day.
  • WORDS destroy us or make us full of life, happiness, and health.
  • Our WORDS; the WORDS we spoke yesterday, made life what it is today.
  • With your words, you set into motion the direction your life will go.

That’s why it is so important for us to get in agreement with God and speak the goodness, favor and blessing of God over our lives. When you speak words of faith and promise into your life, you are actually calling out the potential God has placed inside you. Your words have the power to propel you into your destiny.

Pr. 21:23 Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity. NIV

Mt. 12:37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned." NIV

Learn to make words work for you. Learn to fill words with power that cannot be resisted. The way you fill words with power that cannot be resisted is to fill words with love and faith.

So many times, people focus on the negative things in life. They don’t realize that they have incredible gifts, potential and talents lying dormant, just waiting to be called into action. When you speak life-changing words, the winds begin to shift in your direction. God fills those sails of faith and sets you on a greater course than you could have ever imagined. Sometimes, it only takes one word, to ignite the greatness on the inside of you.
The Bible says life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21)

Some people believe they can get a good response through bad words. They might threaten divorce or adultery. They might rip into a spouse with ugly names. They use these words in order to get a spouse's attention, but more likely the bad words cause feelings of devastation. Sow corruption and you'll see corruption in return.

You reap much more than what you sow; your mouth has disproportionate consequences on your life. A few tiny words have the power to build a remarkable marriage and family. Speak positive, healing words to each other. Praise each other. Complement each other. Open your hearts and you'll reap the blessings of the relationship.

Some seeds have a delayed impact. Drop a seed into the ground and you won't see a full, flowering plant within the hour. It takes time and patience. It takes faith and perseverance to wait to see the impact of your words.

A negative word may have an immediate result. But sometimes it can still be causing pain years later. In the same way, positive words won't always bring about change overnight. Every seed has its proper time.

Gal 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. NIV

Invest good seeds in your spouse by speaking good words. Invest good seeds in your children by speaking in the Spirit. You might not see the fruit of your words immediately, but you can trust that they are powerful. God will come through. He always with you when you are planting good seeds. Your words have the power to dissolve tension and create instant intimacy...

There is power in the words you choose

Words can beef up your inner self-confidence and raise your degree of difficulty, and use of words can make the crucial difference in your everyday conversation with any man.

The words in our past echo in our present and they continue to shape our lives today.  Words have incredible power. Learn to be soft with your words.  When you have to have a hard conversation, think ahead of time not just about “what” you want to say, but “how” you want to say it. By the way, you can be clear and still be soft.

WORDS do three things to you and for you:

  • The WORDS you speak identify you.
  • The Words you speak set the boundaries of your life.
  • The WORDS you speak affect your spirit (your inward man).

If you want to locate yourself, just listen to the WORDS you speak.

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